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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Guy Shoves Female Jogger Into Oncoming Traffic Screaming “I Hate White People”

Charged with assault, aggravated menacing, and ethnic intimidation

An Ohio man was arrested and charged with “ethnic intimidation” after he pushed a female jogger into oncoming traffic while screaming “I hate white people”.

Rodney Arnold, 34, of Pleasant Ridge, was also charged with aggravated menacing, assault and carrying a concealed weapon.

DownTrend reported that the woman was jogging on Montgomery Road when Arnold shoved her into the street, causing her to fall into oncoming traffic.

The woman said the attacker than pulled out a knife, pointed it at her and told her “he hates white people,” according to an affidavit. The jogger was able to flee the scene.

According to HuffPost, the victim, who said she feared for her life when Arnold pointed the knife at her, managed to flee and call for help.

Police let Arnold go, however, because they didn’t find the weapon on him.



  1. First degree assualt and 2nd attempted murder hate crime

  2. ethnic intimidation?

    And a hate crime right? Oh wait, it was a black person that committed the crime. Obama and the Libturds don't make laws against blacks.

  3. Well, blm, after all.

  4. White privilege!

  5. When will a lawyer use these precedents to save a white person who defends himself from a rabid pack of animals and the dreaded hate crime?

  6. Whenever one can substitute a different gender or race into a sentence and get a different result or meaning, Houston, we have a problem.
    If a WHITE person pushed a black person into traffic while screaming "I hate black people!!" and THEN brandished a knife, too, well, it woul take less than 20 minutes for the white person to be charged with a "hate crime", multiple charges would be leveled, the white person's picture would be splashed all over every news network (look at this racist loser!!!), and there would be a White House invitation for the pedestrian.
    It sure as hell wouldn't be labeled as "ethnic intimidation" instead of attempted murder.
    Pretty soon, you're going to see individuals doling out their own justice, which is what eventually happens (for hundreds of years in dozens of countries) when the masses realize that justice is not "equal" but based on who and what you are or do.
    Two sets of laws. Its a knife in the heart of a civilized society.
    Keep cheering.


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