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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Guilty Verdicts of 10 Minnesota ISIS Jihadis Overlooked By Media

Just nine days prior to the Orlando Islamic terrorist attack, guilty verdicts were issued in one of the biggest trials in U.S. history of Muslim immigrants who had turned into would-be jihadists, but the nation hardly noticed.

Out of a vast Somalian Muslim immigrant population, Minnesota sends more terrorist fighters to Syria and Iraq than any other state, but a cell of 10 who were plotting to go to Syria to join ISIS were caught before they achieve their goal.

Six have already pleaded guilty in April. Three took their chances with a jury trial, which ended June 3 with guilty verdicts for them as well, and one turned informant, working with the FBI to record conversations among his peers and provided key evidence to convict the others.

Hit with the guilty verdict on June 3, after a three-week trial, were Mohamed Abdihamid Farah, 21; Abdurahman Yasin Daud, 21; and Guled Ali Omar, 20. Their friend-turned-informant is Abdirahman Bashir.



  1. Doesn't Minnesota have ten thousand lakes?

  2. I never heard a word about this until just now. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Are they "refugees"? Send them the hell back where they came from.

    Ungrateful wretches.


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