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Thursday, July 21, 2016

GOP Platform: It’s Time To Get Rid Of The EPA

The Republican Party’s 2016 platform proposes getting rid of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a massive regulatory body and turning it into an “independent bipartisan commission.”

“We propose to shift responsibility for environmental regulation from the federal bureaucracy to the states and to transform the EPA into an independent bipartisan commission, similar to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, with structural safeguards against politicized science,” reads the GOP platform.



  1. It's about time. They have run roughshod over American businesses for far too long. Carte blanche was give by Nixon and it shouldn't have been given such unfettered power. As we all know, power does nothing but corrupt - even with the most honorable beginnings. Too bad too many people abused their power to the detriment of everyone else. Not heartbroken to see this relic be retired to annals of our history.

  2. EPA, then Department of Education, and DHS, then TSA and IRS too!

  3. You can't get rid of the IRS.
    They work for the FED.
    The bankers won't allow it.

    Stay within the lines folks. Don't piss off the masters.


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