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Saturday, July 09, 2016

Google Announce Support For #BlackLivesMatter

Google announced their support for #BlackLivesMatter yesterday evening, tweeting a statement featuring the controversial hashtag demanding “racial justice now.”

“#AltonSterling and #PhilandoCastile’s lives mattered. Black lives matter. We need racial justice now” posted Google on their official Twitter account this evening. “We’re devastated by the senseless deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. Today Googlers held vigils in their memory, and in memory of all those like them whose lives have been cut short unfairly”.

“We stand in solidarity with the fight for racial justice” concluded the post, before finishing it off with the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag.



  1. Dear Readers,

    This is quite Interesting given that Greta VanSustren (Fox News - yesteday) repeatedly reviewed their BLM post (via facebook and twitter) that contradicted all of their previous statements (i.e. not blaming a group for the actions of one individual).

    Given that BLM has consistently done just this (blamed all LEO for the actions of less than 2% of LEO that attended to situations incorrectly/illegally thereby inflaming relations, fanned by the White House) it is quite interesting to me (and significantly hypocritical) that they are gaining support from MZ/Facebook who is no doubt profiting.

    Regardless, the situation we have seen nationally (i.e. Dallas) is sickening to me regarding the loss of life and destruction of families and communities.

    I will indeed be looking forward to Mr. Trump (brash and crass as he can be) to rectify things.



  2. Leave it to liberals to support a child rapist/armed robber and a cryps gang banger.

  3. Excuse me while I logoff of Google.

  4. Let me "Bing" that.

  5. @sidneyh
    Wrong, use google to promote truth and expose the left for what it is.
    If you consider all of the facts in the most recent instances of Sterling and Castile, police actually were protecting the black community from a gang banger that was an armed robbery suspect when the media contrived another false narrative he lived a wholesome lifestyle, the other a child rapist with previous gun convictions, both reaching for hand guns.
    Yes, death is unfortunate but it was the criminals that made the choice to take it to that level.
    The black community, especially its politicians should be reverently optimistic that those criminals (ehh-hemm~ justice involved individuals) aren't on the street. In a conciliatory way of course! Lol!


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