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Monday, July 11, 2016

Girls Were Girls And Men Were Men


  1. Can you imagine that being filmed today? Is it even on in reruns anymore?

  2. Gee our old LaSalle ran great...

  3. I watch reruns of it often on either MeTV or antenna TV, can't remember each one. Surprised people aren't "offended" at this show with the racial slurs, etc. But that Archie, he's funny!!

  4. Boy, I wish we could go back to those days!

  5. Watch reruns of "In Living Color" - man I am surprised that can still be seem. Most people to day would be offended by it. Too "sensitive" you know.

  6. Loved watching Archie, he told it like it was.

  7. All Norman Lear propaganda!
    Loved the show but now I know the motive to make conservatives look like idiots and pansy liberals look like saints, not so much love anymore. Programs like this desensitized people to leftist ideals. Lowered the social bar.
    TV works.

  8. Thank God for AntennaTV 📺📺📺 tho must admit it's depressing seeing the old shows only from standpoint that while we thought it was bad the, we never imagined the world we live in now.

  9. "And you knew who you were then, GIRLS WERE GIRLS AND MEN WERE MEN".....not anymore!

  10. And blacks knew their place in society, separate but equal.


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