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Monday, July 11, 2016

German Intel Says Iran Attempting to Obtain Illegal Nuclear Material

German intelligence officials declared in a new document that Iran has deployed a “clandestine” effort to obtain illegal nuclear technology and equipment from German companies after signing the Iran nuclear deal.

Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, charged in its annual report released last week that Iran defied the nuclear pact it struck with the United States and five other world powers last summer by continuing to build up its missile stockpile and acquire nuclear-related material.

The 317-page report said Iran in 2015 was attempting to acquire the illicit weapons technology at “a quantitatively high level,” even by international standards.

“It is safe to expect that Iran will continue its intensive procurement activities in Germany using clandestine methods to achieve its objectives,” the document said.



  1. They'll never stop until they can intimidate the World and then make it their own.

  2. Exactly right, 8:19.

  3. Really?!?! Ya think?!?!?! I'm absolutely shocked!!!!

  4. King Osama said that wont happen, they shook hands on the deal

  5. How many of you have ever listened to the perspective of the Iranian Government?

    Isn't it at least possible, that the US government is lying to us?


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