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Saturday, July 02, 2016

Food Monopoly Aimed at Controlling Population Destroys Environment and Poses Serious Threat to Human Health

By Dr. Mercola

"Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people." ~ Henry Kissinger, Ph.D.

"In so many poorer countries food is money, food is power." ~ Catherine Bertini, executive director of the U.N.'s World Food Program1

Yes, food is power, and all around the world we now see how the monopolization of the food supply has created a vast gulf between the "have" and the "have nots." Far from fostering greater food security, we've become more food insecure than ever before.

It's quite simple really. If you have access to clean, nutritious food, you survive and thrive. If you don't, disease and premature death is your lot.

Today, malnutrition is not a problem relegated to developing countries. Never before have affluent nations had so many malnourished yet obese people — a paradox rooted in a poor and toxic diet, churned out by industrial crop growers, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and fish farms.

The strategy to control people by controlling the food supply, first through the conversion from many small farms to fewer, gigantic farming operations and associated price fixing schemes, and later through the creation of genetically engineered (GE) seeds, effectively destroyed family farming both in the U.S. and abroad.


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