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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Flooding Last Night in Historic Ellicott City, Maryland

More Photos and videos can be found HERE


  1. The storms are becoming more and more intense.
    I believe the military is tweaking its technologies including HAARP.
    I wish they would go public and let us all in on their methods and techniques.
    It would be fascinating to learn exactly how they are controlling the weather.

    1. Shhhh. You might wake the sheeple.

  2. This certainly is not the first time Ellicott City has flooded. They have floods recorded back to the 1868.

  3. 10:33 It is not very hard to find that information... They are using Frequency in the form of heat... They have tons of Antenna's that send pulses of different frequencies into the atmosphere... It then stimulates or heats it up... The heated atmosphere rises up, and the lower atmosphere rushes in to fill the void!!! This is how they move storms form one area to another...

    They also, seed clouds, and have been doing so since the '30s.... They Found out by seeding the clouds, it causes the cloud to not rain for some reasons, then when they stop seeding the cloud after a day or two, the cloud will have a cloud burst or basically it will rain... They also used this seeding technique to seed storms like hurricanes to make them stronger...

    By them spraying chem-trails, nano particle sizes metalloids are sprayed into the air, where they spread out, which is why they stay in the air in a stripe or line shape for days or even weeks at a time, this helps not only keep the warm light bounce around our planet so to not go into outer space like it used to, it is warming up the planet... Also this helps the lighting go further and be more intense... Which is why you see pictures now of lighting going for miles and miles on end in the sky during a storm...

    Why do you think or what would be the reasons for researching how much volts it takes to move a cloud???

    Think about it, it is a perfect weapon, becasue they can hit someone with storms, and wipe them out and no one is the wiser... You can't detect a weather weapon without first knowing it is there... Then you can also cause natural disasters, remember all of those executive orders obama signed??? The one where they can take your resource during peace time events, during natural disasters???? Where martial law can be take place or FEMA can come in during natural disasters????

    It is no secret, they have released information on this several times, you all just don't look for it... They even released stuff under the FOIA...

  4. So let me get this right - You nut jobs are blaming our Government for the flooding in Ellicott City? Get a grip.


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