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Saturday, July 09, 2016

Feeling Hopeful


  1. Racism is at the White House not our house. Holy crap that could be a tshirt. Have good day if you read this:)

  2. And this is the way it should be. It's the hoodlum activists who want and are stirring up trouble. The majority of us get along fine.

  3. thank you for posting and sharing this, if everyone would do the same it would be a better world.

  4. Thank you for posting this, is simply awesome.

  5. Thanks for the encouragement , too little way too late!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Hey 3:32 troll, get a job as a spelling teacher instead of being critical of a typo that was probably auto correct on a smartphone. Get a life and enjoy the content of the message!

  8. Boo-Hoo! How touching!!!

  9. 3:32 it's people like you that keep on "stirring the pot" .....I appreciated her taking the time to submit it.....makes a reasonable person to "think" about what other people are feeling.....and forget whether they can spell or not! What is in their heart and where are we going from here is more important.

  10. For 2:08 pm, 2:17 pm, and the other negative people who have to blame someone. You clearly can't see yourselves. Was PRESIDENT OBAMA responsible for the young man that shot the people in South Carolina, in the church, the most sacred place there is. Perhaps you should look in the mirror. Some people don't want unity. What are you afraid of? And Mike Lewis needs to start being a true leader. All he does is cover up crap. Stop blaming the President for his lack there of. He continues to show his true color.

    1. Obama is the KING race baiter if u cant see that your clueless.

  11. 5:38 No but according to Obama a flag was-the Confederate flag. If a symbol is so powerful to cause someone to murder then any reasonable person can conclude that a president's word can most certainly without any doubts cause someone to kill. You can't have it both ways 5:38. Obama's real good at saying Donald Trump's word is causing all kinds of problems too so once again you can not have it both ways.


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