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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Federal Workers Told They Can Stay Home During Heat Wave

Federal employees should stay home if they can’t handle the “dangerous” Washington, D.C., heat wave, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Acting Director Beth Cobert told agencies in a recent letter.

“During days with severe heat and humidity, agencies are reminded of OPM’s workplace flexibilities that may be used to reduce health risks,” Cobert wrote to agency human resources directors Friday. “With supervisory approval and to prevent work disruptions, a telework-ready employee may telework from home on a day when air quality conditions are poor.”

Cobert also told agencies to remind employees to drink plenty of water, and said workers may request annual leave “when severe heat and humidity are threatening to the employee’s health and welfare.”

Taxpayers in the private sector who fund those bureaucrats’ salaries don’t typically enjoy the same flexibility.



  1. The old "work on the beach" program. Ain't Federal, taxpayer funded, employment grand!

  2. Yet I have to go out and work in the heat to pay them to sit home. I can't even begin to describe how disgusted and fed up with the government I am, but there isn't one thing I can do about it except bend over again and again. If President Trump doesn't trim a whole lot of useless fat, revolution will the only answer to this country's out of control government.

  3. Plenty of knowledge workers can telework when appropriate. The business just needs the right infrastructure. Many have it.

    Many can also take a vacation day when they need to.

  4. I worked for 25 years for the county government, and we didn't work if it was too hot. We would hang out at home,or a restaurant with air conditioning.
    Some of us are just luckier, than others!

  5. Surely they can't be expected to sit in their offices with A/C, after John Boy Kerry advised that air conditioners are more dangerous than ISIS. Sounds about right because ISIS is just a small time JV team. I'm thinking about cutting my A/C off, because "they" know whats good for us.

  6. The same thing happens with the military. Too many people were dropping out with heat exhaustion and heat stroke. They don't get sent home, but they're told not to do PT and heavy work, and to get to a cooler place.

  7. My dad worked in Washington DC from 1950 to 55. He said there was no hotter place he had ever seen then DC in the summer. Never missed a day. The wussification continues....

  8. Yes please do, start with Obama and Biden then the rest of the corrupt crooked Democrats in the government.

  9. It's so they can respond to the Craig's List ad and go fill all the empty seats at the DNC Convention.


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