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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Donald Trump Gave Ted Cruz the Rope to Hang Himself

After Ted Cruz’s stunning refusal to back Donald Trump in his address to the Republican National Convention on Wednesday evening, Trump emerged from the wings, smiling and applauding as he waved to the crowd. Later, he tweeted that he had seen the speech beforehand, and let Cruz deliver it anyway.

Whether that is true or not, Trump clearly gave Cruz the rope to hang himself. Rather than rising above politics, and rising to the occasion, Cruz proved Trump right about his character.

As I noted yesterday, there were three possibilities for Cruz’s address.



  1. His speech was online beforehand & anyone who had the coordinates to access it could do so.Trump most certainly has a few computer wizards at his disposal.


  2. No one is ever going to out smart Donald Trump. Cruz did what no one ever thought was possible. He turned Donald Trump into a victim. 11:20 it wasn't online. The speeches are loaded into the Teleprompter several hours before the speakers go on stage by the RNC staff. After they are loaded they are available for pertinent parties to view. It wasn't any covert operation by a computer wiz that allowed Donald Trump to view the speech, just the way it works. RNC officials are free to reject speakers after viewing the speeches. They informed Mr Trump of Cruz's speech and Mr Trump gave the go ahead to let Cruz proceed regardless of the content of the speech.

  3. Forget Cruz......he is a has been loser that is seeking attention. Trump is the nominee.

  4. 11:56-Proof that someone knows something that you don't.


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