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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Do Your Part


  1. The Progressive idiots pushing for a $15 minimum wage will cause a lot more of self-checkouts and kiosk usage for restaurants.

    Be careful what you ask for....

  2. Self check outs are great!

  3. I tend to disagree technological advances will continue to modernize and improve on all processes of life. it's just the industry requirements will shift. technicians will be needed to fix these machines. factories will be required to build them their parts and innovations. They still require merchant people to monitor and assist. Increases security requirements. Electrical repair cooling, paper supplies, communcations workers, etc. Its more then just a machine replacing cashiers. who if you care to notice most Walmarts have 20 registers built and only 3 working any given day except xmas. Hopefully this all reduces costs to you and me in the big picture making $15 an hour go a lot further. That is what is really needed right?

  4. Self checkouts don't complain about how tired they are, how many hours they have worked already today, how their feet, back or head hurts, how that other person never does anything, etc., etc., etc.

  5. The Democrats actually want self checkouts... The more people they can make unemployed the more will be on welfare and Democrats will promise more free stuff.

  6. 7:27--
    It's about the loss of jobs. Get a clue, or some empathy, or maybe just act as if you're human, too.

  7. I don't use 'em., and I don't got to no 'burka-headed' cashiers either. Are ya listenin'?

  8. 10:40 I'm WITH YOU


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