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Friday, July 29, 2016

DNC in Philly | California Sanders Delegates Blocked | White Noise Machines Installed


  1. Dumbocrats will go to any extreme - all of them are a bunch of snakes in the grass.

  2. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 29, 2016 at 1:17 PM

    Democ-rats, is this the best you can do? Is Hillary the best representative you could come up with? If you say Yes you are officially member of CCCP.
    C - Crooked
    C - Communist
    C - Clinton
    P - Peasant
    Keep Cheering Sheeple

  3. DNC did everything in its power to disenfranchise felegates that didn't tow party line. Clinton cheated to win nomination. It's really that simple.

  4. They also didn't show the secret service taking Bernie signs away from delegates or the many Trump signs from others! Media is so in tank for democrats it's disgusting.

  5. if they could just get all the Bernie people to vote for Trump


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