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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Detroit Police Detective Demoted for Criticizing BLM on Facebook

As cities across America suffered disruption, property destruction, and even the shooting and murders of police, a Detroit Police Department detective jumped to Facebook to criticize the Black Lives Matter protesters responsible for the mayhem. Now the detective has been demoted for his post.

On Monday Detroit Police Chief James Craig announced that the DPD has launched an investigation into Detective Nathan Weekley after his social media post went viral drawing over 40,000 views and a number of complaints.

The officer’s post was highlighted by the left-wing Michigan National Action Network revealing to liberal supporters of Black Lives Matter that the officer called the BLM movement “terrorists” and said that the only way the people would understand how important police are is to stop going to work.



  1. BLM is a terrorist movement. They trap people in HOT cars for hours on the highways. They have no regard for whether these people are hot, sick, old, young. Some older and younger people cannot tolerate that type of heat. Heck, we won't let people leave their dogs in hot cars but it is okay for people to be trapped in their cars by this BS.

    How many ambulances get blocked in with dying people in the back. How many first responders get trapped in the traffic jams not realizing that the road is blocked ahead. It is against the law to protest on an interstate highway. Lock them all up. That won't happen. Just as this won't get published. I wrote the same thing in regard to an article last night. Never published. No cursing. Called them jerks, instead of a**holes. Still didn't get published. Not understanding the problem. What, no one is allowed to speak the truth about this BS.

  2. The BLM is a paid movement that is promoting the disruption of republican and conservative views . Many countries and the democrats are involved all over the country. They are now considered a terrorist organization and should be stopped by any means .

  3. July 12, 2016 at 7:18 AM

    well it got published, but I don't understand why. it's just a bunch of jibberish and hate.

  4. 757 If you can't see that BLM is domestic terrorism then you are taking the pill.

  5. Does this mean that Michigan has voided the First Amendment?

  6. Well 7:57, I would wish for you that you would be the next person trapped in a car for hours in 90 degree temperatures while a bunch of people blocked the highway. I don't wish that you were sick or infirm while doing so, but I surely would like for you to experience it.

    I don't see anything hateful about not pandering to a bunch of people who think that the way to instigate change is to put "other lives" in danger. They throw cement blocks at officers. They walk all over public citizen's vehicles with impunity. They could care less about "black lives" or they would take care of the black people who are being shot daily by other blacks. I think I know where the hateful is and it ain't here, but there is a plenty to go around.


  7. Detroit...still knuckling under to thugs. How's that working out? Detroit's been losing residents like water leaving a colander. So the first order of business was to demote this guy? When it gets to arbitration he'll be restored. But we'll make an example of him in the interim.


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