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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Declassified Docs Show That Obama Admin Created ISIS In 2012 To Use As A 'Tool'

Thanks in part to the declassification of Defense Intelligence documents, connecting those missing dots seems to have finally reveled what most Middle East observers have suspected all along, that the rise of the terrorist group ISIS and the likelihood of establishing a terror state (a caliphate), had been predicated by both the CIA and DIA, as far back as 2012.

And purposely created by the Obama Administration in part to isolate the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad. The documents also predicted that the support given by the West, Turkey and the Persian Gulf Arab states to the Takfiri militants would eventually lead to the establishment of a Salafist Principality in Eastern Syria.



  1. "We, the people" are getting played every day. When the "play" is revealed, these Nazi's don't even bother to interrupt their lunch.
    The media won't cover a story like this and they also know that Two Sets of Laws cover them no matter what.
    And best of all for them? What REALLY gives them goose bumps??
    Your idiotic cheering.
    Good Americans came home in boxes. Or wihout eyes, arms, legs, and never the same again.
    YOUR kids are pawns that sometimes need to be tortured, maimed, murdered, and sacrificed. For diversity. Inclusion. Principles.
    THEIR kids are too good to become cannon fodder and NEVER get close enough to the killers your "leaders" have unleashed upon the rest of us. They go to Harvard to be the next generation of masters to send YOUR kids to die (defense stocks will skyrocket!!).
    Keep cheering.....

  2. Anyone with any kind of intelligence knew this was an obama plan. I still say that the ambassador was given up because he knew too much or was about to expose the plan

  3. No Way!

    I thought that was just conspiracy theory.

    Better get that tin foil back out again!

  4. They aren't Muslim either. They are Jewish. Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.

  5. It's so obvious the change Obama is looking to make here. We've seen such incredibly unthinkable actions from this president since taking office and the liberals in D.C. have allowed it. And the RINOs currently serving are playing along for the most part. Time to vote for real change. Vote Trump/Pence.


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