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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Crabby governor? Hogan chooses shellfish over GOP convention

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Crabs and clams, not confetti and balloons, are on Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s agenda for the week of the national GOP convention.

Matt Clark, a Hogan spokesman, confirmed Tuesday that the Republican is planning to attend the annual all-you-can eat seafood feast in Crisfield, Maryland, on July 20. Hogan already has said he won’t be voting for Donald Trump and that he wasn’t going to the convention, which is scheduled for July 18-21 in Cleveland, Ohio. In an interview this year, Hogan said he was “completely disgusted with national politics in both parties.”

“No, I don’t plan to,” Hogan said when asked last month whether he would vote for the billionaire, adding: “I guess when I get behind the curtain I’ll have to figure it out. Maybe write someone in. I’m not sure.”

The governor has said he is focusing on Maryland. The crab feast on the Eastern Shore is a good vantage point, because the event is known for its strong flavor of Maryland politics, especially in election years. This is the 40th annual J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake, named after the Crisfield native who served as governor from 1959 to 1967. Public officials from across the state gather for steamed crabs and clams, fried fish and corn-on-the-cob in a small town nestled on the Tangier Sound, an arm of the Chesapeake Bay.



  1. Good call, Gov'.
    I'm saying that as a 100% Trump supporter.
    Cleveland is going to be nothing short of chaos - inside and outside the arena - so his decision makes perfect sense to me.
    Hogan has proved time and again that he's a reasonable man, and he's proved it again.
    Enjoy the crabs, Larry, and continue to do a great job running our State.

  2. He is entitled to his opinion. I had rather have him talking to the locals than listening to the BS of convention. I am disgusted with both parties as well Governor or future looks bleak.

  3. He is not alone. Bush, Sr. and Jr, are not attending the convention either. There are others too.

  4. Don't blame him one bit. Just a big dog and pony show.

  5. Im thinking the 2018 gubernatorial election in Maryland will look a lot different that the 2014. Im tired of our governors not listening to We The People.

  6. Good for him (and us).

  7. Doesn't the governor know that a lot of Crisfielders like Trump and would prefer that he go to the convention and also stop saying that he cannot vote for Trump? Trump is the nominee and all republicans should get on board and vote for him. Maybe Trump is not perfect but the main stream republicans like Dole, Rommney, and McCain cannot get elected because they do not speak out like Trump does. I like Hogan but he is wrong by not supporting Trump. Does Hogan really think that Hillary is better?

  8. Hogan doesn't want to be tied to that run away train.

  9. Liking Hogan more everyday.

  10. This is probably one of the Most important elections America has had. We are hanging in the balance as to who will be 'leading' our nation and who will be the leader of the free world. This year is NOT for the faint heart and the wimps.

    For the past 20 plus years, but especially the past 8 years, we have had our liberties and freedoms diminish before our eyes. Many aren't paying attention, and this is the problem. Many are ignorant or their education was 'indoctrination' doled out by government/public schools.

    America is truly in distress and there are still people in the Republican Party who, with their asinine choices, may allow Hillary Clinton to become president. It's people like Gov. Hogan and other 'non-thinking' people that may allow ALL to suffer under the Corrupt Clinton Dynasty. Supreme Court, ObamaCare, Bad trade deals that hurt our country, no jobs because of bad trade deals, Christians Rights are being eroded, our 2nd amendment is in jeopardy, Islamic Terrorism and all that the Muslims bring to a nation, the gutting of our military, and so much more. And you're worried because Mr. Trump said something you didn't like. Shame on all of you that have decided to go down this road. Some of the comments regarding this issue are so immature and useless. BTW, your children, grandchildren and generations to come will be the ones who really suffer because YOU were stupid and lazy and didn't bother to think this through and vote for the one who will make changes for us. Mr. Trump is NOT a globalist and this is what the Elites are really angry about. They had this all planned out and their candidates were in place to 'take the throne'. (Jeb Bush and others). But their plans were foiled because 'we the people' are NOT globalists or 'new world order' citizens. 'We the people' have had enough and care about losing our Sovereign nation to the Globalists. There's much more to this election year than you have thought about.

  11. If he can't support his own party, might better if he didn't go.
    Can only hope his own party will show the same support for him in
    the next election. I know he has made up my mind in his case

  12. GOP convention could be a dangerous place.

    Comey is afraid for his life and he is the FBI Chief.

  13. Hogan should go, or he looks like a RINO. Although he won the governorship with the support of many Democrats in MD, he had ALL of the support of the Republican Party. He should return the courtesy. He's acting like Wayne Gilchrest did before he was tossed out by his Republican Party voters, running as a Republican, and voting / siding with the Democrats. There's a lesson there that Hogan can't afford to ignore, unless he is going to change parties before the next election. Don't ignore your base. They are the ones that put you on the ticket. Without them, you can't run for the office. Even Trump is slowly figuring that out.

  14. I would like to shake hands with our Governor and tell him that I voted for and strongly supported him in the last election BUT if he refuses to back Trump then I will not support him again and he needs to realize that folks from the Eastern Shore helped to get him elected and if he doesn't back Trump then maybe he should just stay away from the Crab Feast as well.

  15. Hogan is like Christie! Will never pass up an all you can eat dinner!

  16. We can always go back to a democratic governor. Is that really what you want?

  17. Marylanders voted for Trump over all other candidates therefore Hogan should respect the people and support Trump, period.

  18. Yes. Vote party lines. Heaven forbid someone would vote their own conscience.
    So, if you don't support Gov. Hogan next election, who will you vote for?
    The democratic nominee?
    The Libertarian candidate?
    The green party?

  19. 2:05: Two truisms: 1) Maryland Republicans voted for Trump over the other Republican candidates. 2) Many more Maryland Democrats voted for Hillary than Republicans that voted for Trump.

    If Hogan goes with the majority of Marylanders, and not the party, he will shun the Republican convention, and vote for Hillary. If he is a true Republican, and not a RINO, then he should support his party and go to the convention, period.

  20. The Tawes fest is always over run with democrats and all their ilk. Fat n happy, sweating and slobbering all over themselves.....chose your friends carefully!!

  21. Tawes Clambake is something I would not cross the street for,much less pay for.And Crisfield is Trump country.Every yard and pickup truck practically has Trump signs....too bad Trump cannot make it.

  22. 12:46 Rick Polllit is another politician who never turns down a fee meal.


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