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Monday, July 11, 2016

Could The Murphy's Get More Time For Tax Evasion Then Animal Abuse

It seems most of the media and even law enforcement are targeting the hearts of our community over the animal abuse and the possibility the Murphy's could see a maximum of almost 20 years in jail for that animal neglect.

However, the Murphy's never kept records of sales and never reported the sale of each animal, (starting at $350.00 and up) as income to the IRS.

Believe it or not, they could probably see more time for tax evasion then animal abuse/neglect. Time will tell. OK MSM, now you can target this angle instead. 


  1. Oooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! That's gonna hurt!

  2. The bankers want their money and the IRS is their army.

  3. Why should they skate when the true Americans pay their fair taxes? They are criminals against the country if they cheated their taxes.

  4. They aren't going to get did-lee.

  5. They didn't intend to not care for the animals or pay their taxes. The clinton defense.

  6. If we compare , Sharpton owes a hell of a lot more taxes than these people.
    So, they will get off with a slap on the wrist.

  7. 5:52 They will not get off. They are white. On the other hand it's how the feds finally caught Al Capon. I guess it will work for these guys, too.

  8. So get them for both charges, if there is proof they didn't pay taxes, then they should be charged with both and longer sentences, and there property should be taken as well.

  9. Strip them clean ! They deserve no mercy
    what so ever for the way those poor animal
    were treated!!
    If the penalty isn't strong enough for animal
    abuse----then perhaps the tax evasion one will be!


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