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Monday, July 11, 2016

Confirmed: Dallas Shooter Had Been A 'New Black Panther'

HOUSTON, Texas – Micah X. Johnson was a member of the Houston New Black Panther Party for a short period of time. He was reported to be a member for about six months a few years ago.

Quanell X told reporters at KPRC NBC2 in Houston that Johnson was a member of the Houston Chapter of the New Black Panther Party for a short time a few years ago. He said he parted ways with Johnson after about six months because Johnson would not follow the chain of command.

During negotiations with the Dallas Police Department Friday morning during the ambush shooting that left five officers dead and seven other people shot, Johnson said he was not part of any group. He stated he wanted to kill white people and white police officers.



  1. More every day.Doesn't that even give you a hint? Can't anyone just be crazy any more and leave it at that?

  2. He was also rejected by other black militant groups following a background check

  3. Either way he is a useful idiot for the NWOs rainbow agenda. Appears Guns once again are the problem.

  4. Yes and his race baiting leader Quanell X was just on the radio/internet defending him and defending segregation. He was also trying to incite a "revolution." Too bad the whites are already planning a revolution against his type.

  5. You know it is a disgrace what the "new black panther party" stands for. Huey Newton and Bobby Seal are rolling in their graves. It's disgusting trash that's financed by rich white socialists.
    The leader is a certified idiot and only useful lemmings follow this garbage. As a black man, this shames me to see such stupidity getting any attention at all, but then again it's all part of the global governance script being played out and financed by the new world order

  6. 619 I agree and idiocy like this is probably created by someone giving someone some drugs to make them act out this reality more than a self instigated Act


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