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Friday, July 08, 2016

Comey: Hillary Clinton Gave Classified Info to Un-Cleared Lawyers

FBI director James Comey admitted to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Thursday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had given classified information to her personal lawyers, among others, who lacked security clearance.

Comey was being questioned, late in the fifth hour of the hearing, by committee chair Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), after the FBI director had been pressed repeatedly about his claim that there was insufficient evidence of “intent” to prosecute Clinton.

Chaffetz zeroed in on the question of whether people without security clearance had access to her e-mails, which included not only her attorneys, but also the administrators of her private e-mail servers.



  1. Nice work, Congressman! Now, press it home.

  2. Comey should go to jail!!

  3. Chaffetz basically called fowl. "So you're saying that it's not a crime for uncleared people to read our classified information?" and "Without consequences?" Really?" That exchange was nothing short than brilliance on his part. He painted him into a corner so tight - I was surprised given that Comey is legendary for doing the exact same thing. I was actually shocked he allowed himself to get put there, but when blatant facts are not on your side, I guess it's easy to get there.

  4. Cummings said that all of the attorneys had security clearances. Who believes him?

  5. Wait for retroactive security passes to be issued.

  6. You can bet that every message on her home server is backed up somewhere else. She said that she turned over the information, but she didn't say that she didn't have copies on some other drives or servers. All of that information is somewhere.


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