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Monday, July 25, 2016

CNN Trashes Its Own Donald Trump Poll

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Donald Trump won the Republican nomination for president in Cleveland during a momentous week in political history.

On Thursday night, Trump gave a one-hour-and-fifteen-minute speech accepting the Republican nomination. The speech was so overwhelmingly well-received among the crowd that the media did not know what to do to tear it apart. Chyrons appeared on mainstream networks: “Trump Accepts Nomination.” Nothing scandalous.

CNN late-night host Don Lemon’s face was distraught during his panel, as was the face of one-time Ted Cruz employee Amanda Carpenter. Lemon’s show would play on the screens at public places without any sound, which was appreciated by the attendees.

At 12:52 a.m., this reporter texted Breitbart Washington political editor Matthew Boyle the following message: “56 percent more likely to vote for Trump post speech. 75 percent positive reaction – CNN POLL!!!!!!”



  1. With Wikileaks ousting them, why are they even talking at this point? Isn't it moot, considering their clear relationship with Clinton/DNC? Wow!

  2. Hahaha! !! They have NO SHAME!! Tet people continue to watch this fiction news.


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