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Saturday, July 16, 2016

CNN panel devolves into chaos after guest claims African-Americans commit more crimes


  1. It is interesting watching people attempt to ignore and disprove documented facts simply because they don't want to face the truth.

  2. blacks need to take control of their youths it is not the white populations fault that they commit the majority of the violent crimes in the u.s. knowing they are going to get off,or receive a light sentence, blacks and other minority violators will continue to take advantage of the white establishment let's all join with sheriff joe in arizona and make their internment a brutal living condition instead of a walk in the park

  3. Such a joke for the "Chief of Department" whatever that is, to finish by saying we need to sit down and have an intelligent conversation. We know that it didn't just happen and never will with that loud mouth dummy in the middle. Tries to speak over everyone on the set when on TV.

  4. And now they're angry because France and Turkey stole their thunder.

  5. Truth, what a concept...


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