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Friday, July 29, 2016

Clinton’s gal pal laughs off Bill’s romantic DNC tale

'Every single thing they've done has had a political agenda attached to it'

Former President Bill Clinton told Americans Tuesday night about Hillary Clinton’s lifetime of fighting for people in the context of a 45-year love story, but the account fails to ring true for Dolly Kyle.

Kyle was a childhood friend of Bill Clinton and later carried on a years-long affair with him after Clinton was engaged and married to Hillary. Kyle is also the author of recently published book, “Hillary: The Other Woman.” Kyle and Clinton remained intimate until Clinton’s 1992 White House bid, at which point he cut off contact when he mistakenly thought she was about to go public with their affair.

On Tuesday, the former president began his speech with a description of how he and Hillary met at Yale Law School.

“In the spring of 1971, I met a girl,” said Clinton, noting that they were both taking a political and civil rights class together.

“After the class, I followed her out, intending to introduce myself. I got close enough to touch her back, but I couldn’t do it. Somehow I knew this would not be just another tap on the shoulder, and I might be starting something I couldn’t stop,” added Clinton.



  1. The Clintons have gotten to where they are because of lying and cheating. Their rise to fame has come from fraudulent deeds and cover-ups. They do not deserve to return to the White House. They deserve prison sentences.

  2. Yeah, Bill, you started something that's hard for anyone to stop.

  3. Who cares what either clinton has to say, it's a lie anyhow.

  4. So now we know their was Jennifer Flowers (12Yrs), Dolly Kyle, and Monica Lewinsky and yet the Democrats still stand behind Hillary do they not get the fact her mind (what little there is of it)will be on where's Bill? You need to stop this mad cow disease that is the Democractic party right now!


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