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Monday, July 11, 2016

Clinton Won't Say if She'll Cooperate with State Dept. Inquiry

Hillary Clinton refused to say in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Friday if she would cooperate with the State Department’s recently reopened investigation into her use of a personal email server to transmit classified material while she was secretary of state.

Blitzer asked Clinton if she would cooperate with the investigation, and she responded by referring to the Department of Justice’s investigation.

“Will you cooperate with this new State Department investigation?” Blitzer asked.

“Well, I assume they will pursue whatever process they think is appropriate, and I also assume that they will pay very close attention to what the findings were of the Justice Department investigation,” Clinton said.

“But, again, I will repeat, because I think this is important, over 300 people were on these email exchanges, some on many, some on a few, and these were experienced professionals who have had great years of dealing with classified material, and whatever they sent me, they did not believe and had, in my view, no reason to believe at the time that it was classified,” Clinton said.



  1. Did you really think she will? She's got more speeding tickets than if they were giving them out at the Indy 500.

  2. Pompous and arrogant political b!+<#! Strip her of her security credentials for carelessness and make it public before the election.


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