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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Clinton practically handed her email password to the Russians

The Russians didn’t hack into Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server, as others have reported, according to a very reliable source of mine who has connections with US intelligence agencies.

They didn’t have to.

Clinton was so careless when using her BlackBerry that the Russians stole her password. All Russian President Vladimir Putin’s gang had to do was log into Clinton’s account and read whatever they wanted.

They had to be laughing their butts off. So you can add the Russians to the list of people who know bad and personal things about Clinton that the Democrats will wish remain hidden.

FBI Director James Comey said a few weeks ago that Clinton had been “extremely careless” with her e-mails, but he added that he didn’t think the server she’d been using had been hacked by “hostile actors.”



  1. Hillary Clinton is a disgusting P.O.S.

  2. And that's how they got into the DNC.


  3. Remember you die hard democrats lie down with dogs you get up with fleas. She is poison and belongs in prison. Utterly amazing they nominated her. They are the stupid white people and anyother race that supports this criminal traitor

  4. Hillary undoubtedly had been communicating on her handhelds via her questionably secured NY server with DNC officials for years. Most, if not all of it, was deleted by her attorneys as "personal" email. It's likely that some of the sleazy ideas came from her even way back then.

    If somebody's holding onto those emails (we just know that there are copies, don't we), let's see them. It's time for her to go forth into political oblivion, and not return.

  5. The only reason we've seen some of her e-mails is because she had to respond to someone else and they didn't delete all of theirs. It was bad enough that she created a personal e-mail for her work-related communications as Secy of State, but a crime to deliberately delete them. Comey testified that she lied and she illegally deleted e-mails. Anyone else would have been convicted and sent to prison.

  6. The Russians did not hack into Hillary's private email server. They hacked into the DNC's. Two different things.


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