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Monday, July 11, 2016

Churches Fight Back Against Iowa Bid to Silence Biblical Views

Two churches are fighting back against the Iowa Civil Rights Commission after the agency issued an interpretation of state law that could bar churches from expressing biblical views on sexuality and gender identity — even from the Sunday pulpit.

Fort Des Moines Church of Christ filed a federal lawsuit against the commission on Monday, arguing that the agency’s interpretation of the Iowa Civil Rights Act violates the First Amendment.

Christiana Holcomb, legal counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which represents the church, said it is difficult to “imagine a more obvious unconstitutional invasion of the state into the internal affairs of the church” than what the Civil Rights Commission is proposing.

“Churches should be free to teach their religious beliefs and operate their houses of worship according to their faith without being threatened by the government,” Ms. Holcomb said in a statement. “That is a foundational First Amendment principle.”

The lawsuit came in response to an explanatory brochure titled “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity — A Public Accommodations Provider’s Guide to Iowa Law,” released by the Civil Rights Commission. It says churches are public accommodations and therefore generally subject to the Iowa Civil Rights Act.



  1. This interpretation of law will lead to a revolt! That is why people came here to begin with was to get away from the state telling them what religion to join and what ideology to follow!

  2. If there ever was a clear violation of the 'separation clause', this is it!

  3. Conservative Atheist said..

    This is an egregious violation of the establishment clause. The government has NO business telling churches what they can and can not preach.

  4. You're right, 8:41.
    Let's hold our breath and wait for the ACLU to jump on this.

  5. I keep telling you and you keep cheering.
    EVERY SINGLE RIGHT we have enjoyed for 200 years is under attack.
    "Prioritizing" the Bill of Rights is the latest wave and the current craze among the brain dead, ignorant-of-history, sensitive and sissified, scared and spineless losers in the democratic leadership.
    Now, there are these losers, with no faith in anything except government authority, attempting to silence their critics while they are in church!
    You thought a camera in your house (a government camera) was a far fetched idea?
    Its not far off....
    Keep cheering.


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