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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Caught on Video: Black Lives Matter Literally Orders ‘White People’ to the ‘Back’ of Protest

While the Democratic National Convention was making headlines Tuesday, a group of Black Lives Matter protesters took to the streets in Philadelphia to protest recent police-involved shootings of black men.

But there was one moment in particular that is making waves on social media: one activist attempted to segregate reporters based on their race.

“White media get to the back! Black media come to the front!” the demonstrator shouted into a microphone.

When white members of the media did not immediately comply with her surreal request, the activist singled them out, telling the crowd that protesters are “not afraid to put people out.”

Throughout the rant, she said she “need[s] all white people to move back,” telling them to “take your rightful positions, and get behind us.” She also offered this instruction to fellow Black Lives Matter protesters: ”Y’all see any white folks, direct them to the back of the crowd.”



  1. That's what the whites get for involving themselves in that mess.

  2. Back of the bus, whities!

  3. Sounds like they're getting revenge for the 'back of the bus' thingy of past days.

    Funny part - most likely nobody there ever experienced it personally so they have no business bringing it up again especially since it is against the law now...

    But then, since when have Democrats considered the law?!

  4. Hahaha! ! And they actually did it!! How stupid are white people to be told that. AND THEY DO IT!! WOW! !! TALK ABOUT LOW SELF-ESTEEM.

  5. Dont worrt once trump is president this will ALL change.

  6. Obviously the Bikers for Trump were not there or this would not happen. Where were Black Loud Mouths during Trump Convention? Along with the "new" panthers (come from the loins of old panthers?), probably hiding at the club drinking malt while changing their diapers. That's right, you never buck up against those bikers unless you are on a suicide mission.

  7. This is actually a good thing, folks. Among us butt-hurt white liberals, we have a tendency to give into the subconscious racism that we hold and try and put ourselves in the forefront of movements like these, because we're white, where else should we be, because we are just that special and important. But this is an example of black self-worth, rather than denigration of whites. This is their struggle primarily. We have to help, but only where we are needed, and primarily in our own circles where we can do the most good. If we are ever in the front, it's to take act as a shield, and only if requested. Perhaps the better analogy would be as a battering ram. But once the breakthrough is made, it has to be black voices that are lifted up.

  8. 9:49--
    If you don't see this action as racist, then you are indeed part of the problem. Race baiters aren't helping anything, simply escalating a race war that they are inciting. We are people, we all bleed the same color, skin color shouldn't be an issue. "As long as you continue to make it about color, it will never be about anything else". Martin Luther King and all of the others that lost their lives for peace and equality are spinning in their graves over this mess.

  9. Difference between racism as an individual action versus Racism as a systemic and structural thing. Remember, most Americans weren't particularly fond of Dr. King or what the movement in the 60's was doing at the time, history will have to judge.

    Bigger question is, what bothers y'all more? The fact that the black leaders asked the white protestors to go to the back, or that the whites actually listened to them?

  10. I went to the back. All the way back to my house. And here I will stay.


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