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Friday, July 15, 2016

BREAKING: Cops Attacked in Baltimore

Baltimore Police officers may have been the targets of a coordinated effort to draw cops out. Ignore the dopey references to "assault style" weapons here, CBS Baltimore has the details:

A suspect armed with an assault-style weapon was fatally shot by police at a West Baltimore apartment complex Thursday night after trading gunfire with plainclothes officers, authorities said.

Four plainclothes officers wearing tactical vests in an unmarked vehicle were driving along the 2300 block of Winchester Street about 9:30 p.m. when they heard gunshots ring out, Baltimore Police spokesperson T.J. Smith said at a news briefing after midnight Friday.

The officers traced the gunfire to the parking lot of an apartment complex where authorities say the gunman opened fire at them. The unidentified suspect was struck at some point as officers returned fire, according to police.

He retreated, but was later found on the second level of the complex and taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. No officers or civilians were wounded during the shootout.

Make no mistake- these are coordinated efforts by dangerous criminals to draw police out. Pray for their safety.

Source: AAN


  1. Hope he didn't have a 30 rounder or he's really in trouble.

  2. Well they certainly weren't "hunting style" weapons were they?

  3. Another good thug

  4. How can this happen in Maryland? We have the most strict gun laws in the country? As a tax paying citizen with out criminal back ground I can't own one!!

  5. OMG let the riots begin. Another senseless killing by police. I'm sure this will either be blown out by press or little to no coverage. Black thugs don't matter.......

  6. Maybe the speeding tickets can take a back seat for a while?
    Ditto for the seat belt tickets.

  7. have cops pull out of all neighborhoods like this, stop all transit, close stores and board up, let em have at it for about a week, then lets see how much they want to punish the "man".

  8. Not one TV report mentioned the irony of BLM protestors immediately running behind the police for protection and safety when all hell broke loose. Not one.
    And while I'm at it: I absolutely loved the terminology used to describe that the police were there "to protect the crowd".
    They were there to protect the city from being even more destroyed than it already is. Period.
    SO tried of this PC crap. C'mon January!

  9. Just like in Texas the gunman is dead. Great work police. I hope the cops keep killing these bastards. No trial and no free cable t.v. and three squares a day on our tax dollars. As for Chicago and cities like it let them keep killing each other. I think the reason no one is getting involved to stop it is because it is thug on thug. Sad times indeed

  10. Glad that thug got what he deserved. No sympathy for him at all.

  11. 10:05 where does it mention "hunting style weapons" in the constitution?


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