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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Blood Supply Shortage Called Critical

BERLIN – According to Miriam A. Markowitz, CEO of AABB, “Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. It is indispensable and required in the treatment of millions of patients, including individuals with cancer and other life-threatening diseases, patients undergoing organ transplants and trauma victims.”

The urgency of that statement is indicative of the overwhelming necessity for blood donations not just across the nation, but also locally at the Blood Bank of Delmarva.

Though the Delmarva area does not typically experience a considerable dip in donations once summer hits, this year the Blood Bank of Delmarva (BBD) is still facing its most severe decline in donations yet, reflecting a national trend that is growing.

Every year, the summer season hits the nation’s blood banks hard. The schools and universities that host blood drives are out of session. Local school blood drives provide 13-14% of the Blood Bank of Delmarva’s total blood volume for the year.



  1. All the 100's of Baltimore shooting victims so far this year. The worst is tax payers are paying for their hospitalization and if they survive any therapy and then disability. I saw online in the Gray family settlement that U of MD Shock Trauma had petitioned to get just over $100,000 payment for the care Freddie Gray received the week he was in there. That's where all these shooting victims are going and look how much it's costing tax payers. We all know about the welfare benefits but the hidden costs of these thugs costing tax payers is astronomical.

  2. I am not going to donate my blood for a bunch of criminals to have! Screw them!

  3. You've got half a million tourists in OC every summer day. Offer them a voucher for a milkshake at Dumser's, or some boardwalk fries and they'll come out. A voucher for a free drink at Seacrets might work, too.

    1. Just what you need after losing a pint of blood is a mixed drink... Lmao

  4. I wouldn't mi d donating blood, if the hospital didn't turn around and SELL it to the recipient patient.


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