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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

BLM Protest Hillary At DNC: 'She's Killing Black People'

PHILADELPHIA — As Democrat delegates prepared to nominate Hillary Clinton as their nominee for president Tuesday, Black Lives Matter protesters marched through the streets of Philadelphia chanting: “Don’t vote for Hillary, she’s killing black people.”

“Hillary Clinton stole the election,” one protester told The Daily Caller News Foundation, referring to the Wikileaks release of Democratic National Committee emails showing they collaborated with Clinton to thwart Sen. Bernie Sanders. “The Wikileaks documents confirm what our suspicions were all along.”



  1. Hillary doesn't restrict her killing to only blacks. If you're in her way, you're fair game. Think of it as her equal opportunity program.

  2. Sounds like a great plan, the more dead the better!

  3. 4:33 Yes, where is the downside in all this?


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