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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Black Votes Matter


  1. Yep......So true of a statement. That is why she is pushing the current administrations policies on race wars by having the mothers of Martin and Brown come and speak at convention today about "gun violence". Really....Why not have someone other then two mothers who raised thugs and criminals come and speak and not someone from Sandy Hook. Why, because Dems are pushing the race war. Why not have the fathers of Brown and Martin come speak? Oh, as usual, they don't no who da Daddy is....

  2. That's all this convention is about - BLM. Sickening, very sickening.

  3. 8:27 - Worse, it's the people in the building sucking up to BLM.

    Have eight years of Obama made a difference for black people in the U.S.? Have black murders been reduced, are there fewer black drug dealers and addicts, are black people generally more wealthy, are black people safer, are more black babies being born into two parent families, are blacks being better educated, are there lots more jobs for black people?

    Eight years down the toilet. All promises, no fulfillment.
    With Hillary it'll be eight more years down the same drain, and all of us will pay and continue to be played for the suckers we are, have been and will be, black and white alike.

  4. We all need to stand and make the world hear what we have to say posting comments and voicing out opinions are great but we need the world to unify and show them what we need not have some ignorant politician pretend to care to get in office then abandon us!


  5. This cartoon is spot on.

    The only reason she ever has paid any attention to them is because they can be made to appear to have voted for her.

    After that, under the bus!


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