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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Black Vanderbilt professor says Black Lives Matter movement is ‘pure Marxism’

A black law professor at Vanderbilt University believes last week’s cop killings at a Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas should signify the end of the movement, saying it’s a Marxist uprising that’s become a “very destructive force in America.”

“It’s not really addressing the real problems affecting African Americans,” Carol Swain, a prominent Christian conservative, told CNN, Campus Reform reported. “It’s misleading black people. It needs to go.”

She urged CNN viewers to go to the official Black Lives Matter organization’s website to read “what they’re really about.”

“It’s pure Marxism; it talks about state violence, genocide; all of those are buzzwords that are quite destructive,” she said.

Ms. Swain also condemned the media for rushing to judgment following the police shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.



  1. It's not a grass roots effort by outraged blacks ,They have a communist origin and recently hacked emails show the Obama administration is involved.

  2. BLM is a communist movement. The leaders of it know this, the supporters are what the communists call "useful idiots".

  3. The shooter's Muslim name and agenda has been totally ignored here. This, again, is Islamic terrorism.


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