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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Black Lives Matter To Be Recognized As Terrorist Group?

An official petition to the White House asking the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement to be formally recognised as a terrorist entity has garnered 85,000 plus signatures at time of writing, meaning it will almost certainly have to be addressed by the Obama administration.

The petition, hosted on the whitehouse.gov website, was created one day before the attack on police in Dallas, but has picked up steam in its wake.

The blurb of the petition states:

Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims”. This definition is the same definition used to declare ISIS and other groups, as terrorist organizations. Black Lives Matter has earned this title due to its actions in Ferguson, Baltimore, and even at a Bernie Sanders rally, as well as all over the United States and Canada. It is time for the pentagon to be consistent in its actions – and just as they rightfully declared ISIS a terror group, they must declare Black Lives Matter a terror group – on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality, and safety.

Petitions on the White House website need to reach 100,000 signatures in order to receive an official response. Consequently, at time of writing, only around 13,000 more are needed for this to happen.

Of course, it is patently obvious that the Obama administration will not even consider publicly labeling any self described member of ‘Black Lives Matter’ as a terrorist or radical. Hell, the President will not even acknowledge ISIS as a Muslim extremist group.



  1. From article:"Of course, it is patently obvious that the Obama administration will not even consider publicly labeling any self described member of ‘Black Lives Matter’ as a terrorist or radical."
    No, and neither would any other President from the past 20th 21st century. I would say responsible President but they have all been responsible for the most part in the twentieth and twenty-first century, at least.

  2. Obama wont sign it bc he endorses BLM.

  3. A terrorist group for what?! Because one guy shot these cops? Then Christians are a terror group for abortion clinic attacks, the Bundys are terrorists as well as the BLM. Obama is a terrorist for killing an American citizen, Dallas PD killed one with an IED, Bush is a terrorist for tricking us into a war, Bill Clinton is a terrorist for killing the Davidians, Eric Holder is a terrorist for fast and the furious.
    Terrorist does not mean what you think it does. It is the new Communist, thrown around by the politicians and MSM to define for you who your enemy should be. We call Cuba a sponsor of terror for throwing a revolution to eject foreign imperialism, when we committed far more terrorist acts against them that they did against US. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia has all but been proven to be responsible for 9/11 and has a horrible human rights record. They are not labeled a terrorist, they are labeled an ally.

    1. you sound like a terrorist sypathizer.

  4. The Dept of Homeland Security officially recognizes domestic terrorist groups. It doesn't matter what the Pentagon thinks. The author really doesn't know what they are talking about.

  5. America, where if you speak out against something you are petitioned to be labeled a terrorist. Once again any positive outcomes the BLM movement could have inspired have been shattered by those who choose to commit violence under it's name. Indeed those who are killing fellow Americans are terrorists, but an entire movement? If you started a "cops lives matter" club and a cop associated with that movement went on a shooting spree would that make the "cops lives matter" movement a terrorist organization? That being said, this man sought to kill white cops...racism and terrorism mixed into one. Also taking into account that there have been multiple acts of violence committed during similar protests. Freedom of assembly and freedom of association are critical to the First Amendment. In a country so obsessed with not treading on the second amendment, do we dare say that a group protesting may be labeled a terrorist organization and treated as such because of those who use it as a shield to commit violence? Should we associate the actions of one with the many? I personally acknowledge ISIS as an extremist Muslim group but I also believe the general responses seen on the shore and particularly on this blog toward Muslims are despicable and ignorant.

  6. I've already signed.

  7. Putin has already declared BLM a terrorist group


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