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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Black Lives Matter Rejects Barbecue with Police: ‘I Eat Pigs, I Don’t Eat With Them’

The Oakland Police Department (OPD) extended an invitation to followers of the Black Lives Matter movement to participate in a barbecue to start a constructive dialogue between the two groups. However, the police were met with flat-out rejection by a spokesperson who referred to law enforcement as “pigs.”

“A BBQ is definitely not going to stop this blockade,” Karissa Lewis, a self-described “radical black farmer from East Oakland,” told local Fox affiliate KTVU. “And as a radical-black farmer from East Oakland, I eat pigs, I don’t eat with them,” she said.

According to KTVU, Lewis used the “mic-check call and response technique,” which was popularized at many of the Occupy protests, in order to rally support for her response from fellow protesters, who also rejected the offer. KTVU notes that “many of the activists, at least at this one protest, seemed to be in agreement with her about the offer.”



  1. Who says that he's a spokesperson? A "radical black farmer from Oakland" doesn't sound like the best choice.

    1. 1136 well you be the spokesman!! Stop complaining and defending get off your butt do something POSITIVE. It's ok if your WHITE.

  2. I support police everywhere, but if they keep on begging for a dialogue, BBQ , clean up the hood (Salisbury), have they lost all respect. I don't believe this crap, passing out ribs in the day and cuffing at night. Get back to policing and leave the mentoring to head shrinks.

    1. you think le has a choice not to do this? Politicians (radicals) are ordering them to put on events and invite members of terrorist groups to attend. Trust me LE does not want to eat with the same groups that are killing them. I agree with you the hood should clean itself up.

  3. They are a terror group like ISIS.

  4. Thank you OBAMA! Encourage more racial tension.


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