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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Black Lives Matter Protest Throwing Fireworks at Police Violent BLM Protesters in Minneapolis RIOT


  1. Psst... Spelling error, violent.

  2. Part-Timer Agent 99July 10, 2016 at 1:28 PM

    125 Thanks.

  3. PROPOSAL: Cuff 'em and slam them in jail. Who needs that crap?

  4. Can't wait for the day when the police fail to show up when these thugs have a 911 emergency. It's already happening in Chicago. Its going to happen all over the country pretty soon. Don't be naive, the police know which neighborhoods participate in garbage like these protests. Call it profiling, who really cares? They don't deserve police protection. Ever.

  5. Anyone who believes any of these protests have been peaceful is a dumb SOB. This goes on constantly with them but the media covers it up. They block highways. That's not being peaceful. Peaceful people don't stop others from going about their business. I don't' know how blacks can allow themselves to be so brainwashed. It's mind boggling. They are only hurting their own children. 1:34 hit the nail on it's head. When all is said and done the only thing this will have accomplished is little to no police presence in black neighborhoods. You only have to look no further than Baltimore City to see how it all works. The crime has spiked, blacks are killing each other and shooting each other in record numbers in that city. Children are getting murdered and shot from getting caught in the middle-black children. Police aren't even bothering trying to get the guns off the streets anymore for fear of being called a racist and they can't be blamed for not being proactive anymore. Yep the ONLY thing this all is going to accomplish is massive amounts of black blood flowing done the storm drains of predominately black neighborhoods.

    1. Apparently this is what they want. Wall it off like a cyst and let them have it.

  6. They are a terror group ,The government is handcuffing the police. The media tells us that White people are the problem but where are all the white snipers killing black people ?

  7. 2:03 it is coming if this keeps up. One has to believe all these "hate groups against blacks" Where are they ??? This Black hype has to end and it will with a large very large number of stupid kids losing their lives. America can not let this get out of control and I don't think these kids get it.

    Ohbamha is getting just what he wanted. The man wants Marshall law then there is no election. I am old and tired so I am ready. We need a cleansing of the herd.

  8. Obama said under his watch riots are down. Sure I can see that can you? (map)

  9. It's easy to get caught up in the anger the media creates and nurtures.

  10. 3:55, don't laugh to hard.

  11. Time to quit fooling around and start bashing heads. Pull this crap in Philadelphia and see what happens to their butts!!!


  13. Many of these people are there simply to be paid by the organizer of the event.
    They were hired by a Craig's List ad.

  14. So I've been reading all the media reports I can find on the Castile case in Minneapolis. There is a dash cam video. Why aren't his family and BLM demanding it be released? Also on the different interviews of the girlfriend she says he was shot 3x's another interview 4x's and said another place 5x's. She also spoke at some kind of rally and said he was going for his license in his pocket but the gun was in that same pocket, was in the way and that's what was taking him so long to get the license out. The officers lawyer said in an interview that while he couldn't go into details he was not worried about criminal charges being filed or something along those lines. Could it be Castile accidentally fired his own gun and maybe shot himself once before the officer shot him? We do know from all these other cases that there is always more to the story and that more is always hidden until it isn't possible to hide anymore and always leads to the killing being 100 percent justified. Or in the case of Gray in Baltimore so far, proven the officers did nothing that contributed to Gray death.


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