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Monday, July 11, 2016

Black El Paso Police Chief: BLM Is A ‘Radical Hate Group’

The chief of police in El Paso, Texas, labeled Black Lives Matter a “radical hate group” Friday night, blaming them for Thursday’s shooting in Dallas and calling on policymakers to take a closer look at the movement.

Greg Allen was in attendance at a news conference Friday where various leaders in the El Paso area expressed solidarity with Dallas while also trying to appeal to those who feel marginalized by a recent spate of high-profile police shootings. Allen didn’t deliver a statement at the conference, but he gave an interview to local press afterwards.

During the interview, Allen was asked to comment on an upcoming protest vigil El Paso’s Black Lives Matter group is planning to hold Sunday night. He responded by denouncing the group in remarkably harsh terms.

“Black Lives Matter, as far as I am concerned, is a radical hate group,” Allen said. “And for that purpose alone, I think the leadership of this country needs to look a little bit harder at that particular group. The consequences of what we saw in Dallas is due to their efforts.”



  1. He says that the leadership of this country needs to look harder at this group BLM.
    That is exactly the problem , very simple , we don't have any leadership .
    We all know what the problem is , obama.

  2. Just another high ranking officer speaking his mind and saying what he believes. Mmm , I wonder how many sheriffs and chiefs are doing this now ?
    Seems similar to what that guy Mike Lewis says and thinks.

  3. If only these people would put as much effort into finding a job as they do spewing hate and demonstrating.

  4. Does this make the chief a racist speaking out against the Black Loud Mouths?


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