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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Billboard reading 'Addiction is preventable. Parenting is prevention' stirs controversy

FREDERICK COUNTY, Md. (ABC7) — A billboard in Frederick, Maryland was attracting a lot of attention for its controversial message.

"Addiction is preventable. Parenting is prevention," the billboard read.

Gina Carbaugh says heroin killed her son, Richard, but she could not prevent it.

"I think this billboard is a shame," Carbaugh said.

Carbaugh helped to start a petition over the weekend getting more than 2,500 signatures in less than a day.

"I was the type of parent who would ask where are you at, what are you doing, who are you going to be with, what time are you going to be home. I was that type of parent. I didn't raise my son to become an addict," said Carbaugh.



  1. So again we have one outlyer who may or not be full of it. This sign makes a wonderful statement. Parenting is the hardest thing I have ever done and I appreciate the tip. What this sign says to me is that I need to talk to my children early and more than once about the dangers of drugs but specifically drugs like Meth, Heroin and Opiates in general in all their forms. Shut this women up. Her victim mentality is on full blast.

  2. It's all about her she isn't thinking how it could help someone else.

  3. Just like most everything else, very little in our lives is absolute.

  4. I have one of my 3 I raised who went that route, and from early ages, there was nothing I could do to parent her away from gangs and drugs and truancy. She's made it to her mid 20's, but is still an anti social asshat.

    It is NOT my fault. My other two are fantastic, wonderful adults.

    Yes, I take offense at this sign's statement.

  5. I take offense to clouds disrupting a sunny day.
    I take offense to folks playing on their cell phones while driving.
    I take offense to lack of initiative with today's "yoots".
    I take offense to folks who wear swimsuits that are WAY TOO SMALL.
    I take offense, etc.etc.etc.

    Imagine a time when common sense prevailed and political correctness...well...

    2 days until TGIF...until someone is offended by that!

  6. At some point in life, your child becomes an independent person who will make their own choices. There is NOTHING any parent can do. If a person wants something bad enough, the only thing that will stop them from getting it is death. There are plenty of examples of "good kids from a good family" gone wrong. When do we hold people old enough to know right from wrong rresponsible for their choices made of their own free will? The blame game is NOT appropriate in this case as the only person who can save an addict is the addict him/herself.

  7. Well said 1004AM. I agree that being a parent is not easy and no amount of "talking" is going to prevent your child from "using" regardless of the age that you start talking to them. However, maybe by talking to them you are guiding their future decisions in a way that will steer them clear or people that would otherwise engage in such activities. I've always told my kids that "if the person or group does not help you in achieving your goals of success, don't be bothered with them". It is better to be alone than with a group who will bring you down.

    Just my two cents.

  8. 7:13 don't take offense. I've seen your situation too but it's rare. So many of addictions are now on the 3rd generation. Look at Freddie Gray. His mother is a heroin addict.


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