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Thursday, July 07, 2016

Bill O'Reilly Reveals Unseen Photos Of Young Obama At Islamic Wedding


  1. Looks like a girl. Throws like a girl. Just saying.

  2. Now, it is important to remember that the Islamic god, Allah, is in no way connected to the true God of the Bible. Allah is a pagan, Arabic deity. Allah is a false god. Allah is not the God of Judaism and Christianity; and Allah's prophet, Mohammed, was a false prophet who has led millions of people astray!

  3. This is y he hates america amd lets out terrorists from gitmo to go back and kill our vets.

  4. I wore a kilt to an Irish wedding once. But we were all Protestants and Catholics.

  5. Such a nice Muslim boy!

  6. Which bathroom is he using...or does that change from day to day?

  7. Sure would love to just back hand this subject.
    I'd be afraid to punch his lights out and have a long term sentence for the collar

  8. 950 your to old and feeble now. Pretty sure you have never back handed man.

  9. Why did this not come out when he was running for election? You can't deny pictures and your own words.


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