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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Berlin Wetlands Project To Begin

BERLIN – The long awaited Hudson Branch wetlands project is expected to begin this summer following contract approval from the Berlin Town Council.

The town council voted this month to approve a $421,150 contract with A-Del Construction for the creation of an offline wetlands along Hudson Branch.

“I see this as a milestone,” Town Administrator Laura Allen said. “It’s taken us some time.”

The wetlands, designed to address the neighborhood’s stormwater problems, will be built alongside Hudson Branch behind the Flower Street Multi-Purpose Building. The wetlands is expected to alleviate flooding and provide surplus water with a place to go. At the same time, it will improve water quality in the area.

“This is the first in a series of projects that are going to be back to back to back,” said Darl Kolar, the town’s stormwater engineer.

Kolar said the town received two bids for the work, both of which were close in costs. He recommended pursuing a contract with A-Del Construction because the company had done work in Berlin before.


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