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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Attorneys, Media Dumbfounded Hillary Got Off; Obama Says 'No one is more qualified' To Be President

"There is a basis for the Department of Justice to come to a different conclusion”

While practically everyone in America was shaking their heads over the fact that Hillary Clinton will not face any repercussions over her use of a private email server to disseminate classified information, President Obama stood next to Clinton herself and told a crowd that no one is more qualified to be President the she is.

Speaking in Charlotte, North Carolina Obama told a crowd that “Hillary Clinton has been tested.”



  1. She's been tested alright. She FAILED miserably!

  2. Two completely characterless people. Absolutely the bottom of the barrel.

    One is a confirmed liar and the other is nothing but a communist street agitator.

  3. Other things being tested are our patience and gullibility.

  4. Hey Obama. You are the least qualified president ever so you opinion on Hillary's qualifications do not mean s$#%!

  5. Educate your friends and neighbors with the truth. There are plenty of websites with unbiased, accurate information about Obama and Hillary to persuade others to not vote for her.

  6. Some of you simply do not understand the situation.

    Hillary is qualified to be POTUS.

    The POTUS does not represent the people - that is where you guys get it wrong. The President represents the people who finance the campaigns. She is qualified because she will do what they want her to do.

    Get it?

  7. "Obama Says 'No one is more qualified' To Be President"

    Well that coming from the illegal Muslim from Kenya so what does he know. Well one thing is for sure, Hillary is more qualified for President than King Hussein will ever be. At least she has exposure to the office so that alone is more experience than he has and she is a legally born American.


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