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Friday, July 15, 2016

Armed Citizen Shoots AK-47 Wielding WAFFLE HOUSE Robber

It's statistically rare for robbers to use AK-47s, according to the FBI

The suspect, Antione Cooper, 26, recently entered the franchise’s DeSoto, Texas, location at 2:30am, robbed several customers and then attempted to escape.

That’s when he was shot in the parking lot by a CHL holder who feared for his wife’s safety as she was heading to the restaurant.

“Police said the customer called to Cooper once they were outside,” the Houston Chronicle reported. “Cooper pointed the AK-47 in the customer’s direction, prompting the customer to shoot Cooper several times, according to police in the southern Dallas suburb.”

“Cooper was then transported to a local hospital where he remained Wednesday on life support, police said.”



  1. That's what it has come to, everyone needs to protect themselves. Police can not do it all

  2. My weapon of choice since 1947.


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