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Friday, July 29, 2016

AP FACT CHECK: Misfires in Hillary Clinton’s speech

WASHINGTON (AP) — In her speech accepting the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton wrongly implied Donald Trump has proposed banning Islam in America and sketched out a plan for defeating Islamic State militants that merely mirrors what the U.S. is already trying to do.

Clinton spoke Thursday night to the largest TV audience she is likely to have until the presidential debates, meaning many Americans were probably hearing of her agenda for the first time. Although she brings plenty of policy detail when stacked against the broad-brush ideas of her Republican rival, in some cases there’s less than meets the eye to what she says she will do.

A college education, for example, might not end up as debt-free for everyone as she suggested.

For his part, Trump spun a story about the Iran nuclear deal that was more fiction than fact at an Iowa rally that preceded Clinton’s convention speech.

A look at some of the claims from the political maelstrom:



  1. All you Killary fans, she lied again when she denied coming after my 2nd amendment rights. She will confiscate all guns as quick as she can. She has tried her entire political career.

  2. She's a democrat. There isn't a democrat alive who is an honest trustworthy person.

  3. Well, she lied again. At this point, what difference does it make? We have a liar POTUS now! Why not keep this goin....

  4. 5:31, That's why this election is so important. We don't want to keep this going! Vote Trump/Pence!


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