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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Another Lie From The Democrats?


  1. He's an idiot and a tool!

  2. African Americans are getting desperate.

  3. Obama is satan , this is just one of satans angels. My goodness he is an ugly human with an disturbing look on his face 24/7.

  4. Not the sharpest tool in the tool box either!!

  5. Cummings is an embarrassment to the nation and especially to "his" people, who he's led by the nose for far too long. It's time to replace him with a representative who works for the people, not keep the people down on the Democrats' plantation.

  6. This idiot and confused historian has been twenty years in Congress.
    He's bought and paid for. Check out his 2016 campaign contributions at


  7. As a black man, I have never cared for this angry gentleman.

  8. And where is he from? Maryland. We elect some real gems.What a total embarrassment.

  9. I doubt if he even knows who won the Civil War.

  10. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

    There is no end to the democrats and their lies. For far too long they have used our civility against us. Start calling any and all democrats out. How can they follow a party that is swimming with liars and built around nothing but lies. A Christian certainly can not be a democrat. Ask how they can go to service and then immerse themselves in a party that follows the doctrine of satan. There is no middle ground-you are a Christian or you aren't and democrat principles do not align in any way with the practices of the Bible.


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