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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Alton Sterling Affidavit: He Was Reaching for Pocket Gun When Shot

Alton Sterling, the Louisiana man who was killed during a police confrontation, was reaching for his gun when he was shot, Baton Rouge police said in an affidavit filed July 5.

ABC News reported Tuesday that the affidavit was part of a search warrant for the surveillance camera at the convenience store where the incident took place. The affidavit reportedly states that "while the officers were attempting to subdue" Sterling, they "observed the butt of a gun in the subject's front pants pocket."

"When the subject attempted to reach for the gun from his pocket the officers fired their police-issued duty weapon at the subject to stop the threat," the affidavit continued.

More here


  1. The way the media and the liberal courts are today, he could be holding an AK-47 out in the open, and the white officer kills him, they would lie and say he was surrendering, or unarmed! I think when it is proven that they lied,(Media and so called witnesses) they need to be arrested and jailed!

  2. Did anyone see the other one. The girlfriend while filming said the dead guy told the officer he had a gun and a permit. Last week while being interviewed for the news she said he never told the officer he had a gun. I'm thinking she was confronted with the dash cam video which showed she was lying.

  3. She lied and the media did what they always do.

  4. Anonymous said...
    The way the media and the liberal courts are today, he could be holding an AK-47 out in the open, and the white officer kills him, they would lie and say he was surrendering, or unarmed! I think when it is proven that they lied,(Media and so called witnesses) they need to be arrested and jailed!

    July 16, 2016 at 11:27 AM

    Well how about the NAACP and the Libtards saying that the Assassin who killed the 5 police officers in Dallas was lynched. WTF!

  5. Anonymous said...
    Did anyone see the other one. The girlfriend while filming said the dead guy told the officer he had a gun and a permit. Last week while being interviewed for the news she said he never told the officer he had a gun. I'm thinking she was confronted with the dash cam video which showed she was lying.

    July 16, 2016 at 11:42 AM

    The sheriff of that county said he did not have a permit.

  6. What I don't understand is all this White Guilt. WTH! Why are all these white people turning on their own race is beyond me. It's just happening way to often.


  7. The sheriff of that county said he did not have a permit.

    July 16, 2016 at 6:29 PM

    No, they merely said their office didn't issue one, because he never applied for one there.

    He was issued a permit from another location.


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