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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Al Sharpton Says NRA Believes Second Amendment Is For White People

During his weekly rally in Harlem on Saturday, Al Sharpton called out the NRA for remaining silent about the police shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two black men who he said were both legally carrying guns when they were killed.

“Both of them were killed by police based on, ‘They had [a]gun,'” Sharpton said. “Now, I missed the NRA coming out and defending the gun rights they legally had. Where is the NRA now? Where is [NRA president] Wayne LaPierre now? Do you have a Second Amendment right, or did you not get down, Mr. Pierre, to the 14th, 15th and 16th Amendments? Maybe you mean the Second Amendment [is]for whites only.”

On “Fox and Friends” this morning, David Webb said that the NRA is concerned about the Second Amendment rights of all Americans, pointing out that he’s a card-carrying member of the organization and an African-American.



  1. Mr. Sharpton, over 70% if mass shooters have been black. What is you point other than being counted as another AH?

  2. Al Sharpton is an idiot. The NRA was founded in the south during reconstruction to protect free blacks.


  3. IIRC the deceased in LA was a felon and prohibited from possession of a gun. Officers were sent there based on a citizen complaint about his actions.

    The deceased in MN was reported to be a permit holder but I haven't seen this verified. He apparently did not follow the officer's instructions about keeping his hands in view and was moving his arm and hand out of sight. He had been stopped and charged frequently for a number of violations so he should have been familiar with the process and police concerns during a traffic stop.

    Both situations are unfortunate and we'll find out more as investigations proceed. For now we can say if those being questioned had followed instructions they'd still be with us, and could detail anything they thought was out of line in the officers' approach.

  4. This is how stupid AL is. He asks what about amendments 14, 15, &16. 14 being Due process, 15 is the right to vote, and 16 is starting up the income tax. WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT do any of these have to do with a black person running with a gun and getting shot by police?

    He's only speaking to the people who have no idea what is in the Constitution, which is mainly Bl... oh, wait...

    I get it now...

  5. Good NRA members and people with concealed carry permits do not go for their gun or point it a police officer. And I don't believe the two men Mr. Sharpton mentioned were legally carrying a gun with a permit. That lie was based on the man's girlfriend who was high on weed.

  6. 6:08 - and the KKK was formed by Democrats to persecute blacks!

  7. Maybe it is for white people cause we're the only ones that go through the proper channels to get them!

    1. Gee that's funny, I'm black, and I waited almost six months a couple years ago to get my legal 9mm with a normal mag clip before the silly law change that has helped Baltimore so much!!
      As GW Bush said in the video posted earlier on this site: "people only see the worst of a group and project that image on to all of a group" If you weren't aware your comment is prejudice, and about as intelligent as BLM's statements

  8. Weekly rally w.t.f.?

  9. If Michael Brown had walked on the side walk instead of out in the street he would be alive today.

  10. Inciting more people to riot - he is such an idiot, he just needs to keep his big mouth shut.

  11. And there it is...the ground hog found his shadow.


  12. 6:08 bingo, but how inconvenient.


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