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Monday, July 11, 2016


"This week, the country witnessed the killings of two more Black men at the hands of law enforcement, and we are now living through the aftermath-including the killings of five law enforcement officers.

These deaths, all of them, are tragic and damaging to all our communities.

What concerns us is accountability-while we feel confident that justice will be sought for the deaths of the five officers, we fear that a separate, unequal, less zealous path of accountability will proceed for the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

This has been the unfortunate trend here in Maryland, where we have seen countless unpunished killings of Black men-many unarmed-at the hands of law enforcement. Every unarmed person killed by police in Maryland in 2015 was Black. We are facing a human rights crisis in Maryland and across the country.

This lack of accountability worsens the schism between communities of color and the officers sworn to serve them, and ultimately puts all our lives and livelihoods in danger.

Today, we stand with the families and communities of those killed and call on our leaders to move urgently toward interrupting the cycle of violence. There must be a fundamental change in the way law enforcement serves our communities.

We must begin by acknowledging that these deaths flow from decades of oppression that still have this country in a stranglehold. Until all Americans can own this history and its ongoing legacy, the crisis will continue."


  1. Actually if you are an honest person you will admit the deaths of those 2 did society a huge favor. 2 terrorists who went around terrorizing their neighborhoods turning them into urban war zones for the decent and just residents. There is no gilding the lily-they were thugs!

  2. "..countless unpunished killings of Black men-many unarmed-at the hands of law enforcement. Every unarmed person killed by police in Maryland in 2015 was Black. We are facing a human rights crisis in Maryland and across the country.."

    This is incitement in my opinion.

    THIS kind of crap is why we have a problem. Progressives trying to fan the flames by making incendiary statements that convey an assumption that the black 'victims' had done nothing wrong..

    Maybe it would be more helpful if the ACLU would just STFU (for once).

  3. More blacks are killed by blacks in Baltimore than by anyone else. Getting killed by a cop is in the minority.

  4. All of the "victims" (justice involved individuals) were taken out on their own accord, both were armed illegally and or wanted/suspected in a recent armed robbery.
    When will these liberals and BLM fools realize the police are protecting their community from these armed thugs?

  5. American Criminal Liberty Union. Try being white and contacting them. They will not even entertain your claim fact.


  6. Guy in MN had multiple traffic stops; was consistently driving without insurance, speeding, with various mechanical defects and on suspended/revoked license.

    If you're white and you do some of those things in Maryland, and can get a handful of friends to show up at the polls, you can be elected mayor!

  7. Where is their concern that Candidate Clint is still running free out in the public.

  8. And this is an example of why, after growing beyond my idealistic youth, I stopped supporting the ACLU. That would be forty years ago.

  9. ACLU like Rev. Jackson needs to be ignored as well. They are idiots with law degrees.

  10. what do you expect from a HATE group?

  11. BLM is a domestic terrorism.

  12. Just trying to get more donations to pad their retirement funds...


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