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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Obama Announcement


I never spend the day watching TV, but today, mine was on for a while watching CNN and FOXNEWS.

I am shocked at CNN’s spin on Donald Trump’s sarcastic remark about, Hey, Russia! Maybe you can find the 30,000 emails we’re looking for! The Cnn folks spun it as Trump somehow trying to make a “pact” with Putin asking him to actually break in to Hillary’s email system and give us the meat!

This is the furthest from the truth, as I turned to the FOXNEWS network and saw a video of Barack Hussein Obama making an announcement to the American People that it was IN FACT the Russians that supplied these DNC emails exposing hate and disgust with Sanders, Hispanics, LGBTQ’s, and others.

The Dems only want to wave off these facts and the content of the emails by claiming Trump or the Russians must be the “bad guys” here, when the “Bad Guys” are just plain the DNC, Hillary, and all the members thereof.

Piteous, at best.


  1. To add, where did the Russians get the link to the DNC emails? Gosh, it couldn't have been Hillary's basement email server, could it? I mean, she probably NEVER emailed ANYBODY in the DNC, did she?

    If anybody here thinks for one minute that the DNC is behind the demise of the DNC, you are missing the boat!

  2. This made me so mad that I decided to go out and steal 15 Hillary bumper stickers. I could not find any....

  3. Here's the link, folks!


  4. Doesn't matter who got their hands on them or got them into public view.

    The hard, cold fact is that the pious DNC staff and leadership wrote and circulated the emails.

    Scheming, belittling their pet interest groups, etc. And they haven't come out saying "Bob wrote back that was out of line or bigoted or don't do that again' meaning this was business as usual.

    Not to mention actively working to undercut any candidate other than their preselected favorite. All Democrats of any stripe should be very upset at that underhanded process.

  5. and Bernie just announced he will be returning to the Senate as an Independent and NOT as a Demoncrat. lol what happened to that unity lol

  6. did I mention Bernie gave up on dems and is returning to the Ind. party? lol so much for unity

  7. Lets be honist the rnc is not much better look how hard they tried to steal it from trump. ALL of us need to wake up. To set the record straight i think trump is America's only hope.

  8. Its public treason and should be treated as such.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Its public treason and should be treated as such.

    July 28, 2016 at 8:33 AM

    as opposed to private treason?


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