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Monday, July 11, 2016

115 Shot This Week In Chicago As 'Gun-Free-Zone'-City Continues Death Spiral

The saga continues in Chicago as violence across the US ticks upward following the Dallas police attack.

Having 115 people shot last week is incredible in lieu of what we reported earlier this year when 120 people in Chicago inside a 10 day span:

"following the seven people shot to death and 30 more wounded during the latest weekend, the total number of shootings in the windy city has risen to 120 in just over a week into the new year, according to police."

As if that isn't enough, recall that May was the worst month since 1995 for Chicago in terms of homicides:

Sadly, the pace of the shootings did hold, and Memorial Day weekend saw 6 people killed and another 63 wounded in a weekend that topped off the deadliest May in Chicago in 21 years according to the Chicago Tribune. Tragically, the month's 66th and final homicide victim was just a 15 year old boy named Fabien Lavinder. The 66 homicides represented the worst May since 1995 when 75 people were killed.

Remember also that over 40 people were shot during Memorial Day weekend in Chicago also.

This whole mess will likely to get worse following the attacks that have taken place between blacks and police over the weekend. In Chicago, it's a pressure cooker that keeps building. Something is going to cause chaos to rupture and spill throughout the city in ways far worse what we've witnessed in 2016 if the country keeps speeding toward maximum emotional outrage. It is high likely that this kind of long-lasting, deeply rooted rage will not go away if guns are banned.



  1. Obama will not address this problem as it is blacks killing blacks.

  2. I guess the BLM crew missed this when they were protesting in Chicago over the weekend. Social Activist Theater

  3. This is right wing propaganda! There are no murders.
    Reality is, Chicago is free now! Everything there is completely subsidized by government.
    If you are a liberal progressive and have honest street cred, you can apply immediately for free housing, free college (with meal program!) free transportation, guaranteed income where you follow a supervisor around with a bewildered look on your face for 15$ an hour! Gun free too! Name brand shoes and clothing at HUGE discounts, some up to 90% off sale price from street vendors everywhere.
    The Socialist utopia is a success!
    Please liberals, go to Chicago and share in the wealth of your comrade's utopia!
    I understand Baltimore, Cleveland, Newark, Oakland are developing similar programs.

  4. Chicago and Baltimore should be the poster cities for 'gun control'...Obamamamama needs to get his head out of his rump

  5. Why do people comment on this?

  6. Great post 8:07. All liberals should be invited to spend a week in Chicago to see firsthand the ultimate culmination of their wisdom. I wonder how many would accept.

  7. Wow, the City should institute strict gun laws and the problem will disappear. Your welcome Chicago. You should have come to me sooner.

  8. Gunfree = Murder capital


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