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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Why Alcohol At Wicomico County Civic Center

Yesterday we published a story announcing the sale of alcohol at the Civic Center. There were quite a few comments that just weren't accurate so I'm taking this opportunity to update the public on factual information to settle these rumors.

I'll start with this. When you compare the Civic Center to the Shorebirds Stadium, the Shorebirds have about 5,000 seats. The Civic Center has the same but can expand to almost 6,500 seats in all. As you know, the Shorebirds are a public venue just like the Civic Center.

Some commenters implied that people go to these events and get drunk. Well, if you want to go to a ball game and spend some $8.00 for a beer and you buy enough to get drunk, well, you're just plain stupid. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but come on people, that's just ridiculous. They are very few and far between.

When we look at a Civic Center event like a concert, most are not going to get up from their seats during the concert and get a beer. They paid good money to see a show and they are going to watch that show. 

Mind you, there are intermissions but the most you'll be able to purchase at one time is two beers. They will cut off all liquor sales at the last intermission, (so you know). ALL employees are currently going through state sponsored classes and will be on their toes. There will be a Family section at the Civic Center where no alcohol will be allowed. 

As for different acts demanding the sale of alcohol in order for them to consider coming here, it's the promoters that push such demands. All of these acts/events have sponsors, (like Jack Danniel's, Budweiser, for examples). Some people are under the impression that these acts get on a plane or bus and travel to let's say the Civic Center just to hold a concert/event. That's not necessarily true. What happens is, the promoters line up different venues throughout each region. You'd be amazed at how many places like the Civic Center there are within a 4 hour radius for these promoters to consider. The ones that sell alcohol are the ones that get chosen FIRST because they can get a percentage of the alcohol sales as part of their contract agreement. Hence why the Civic Center doesn't get the majority of big acts/events that they could.

Then there's the franchise deals, a lot like the Shorebirds as an example. There's semi pro hockey teams and yes, the Civic Center can hold enough people for a minor league team to consider it but they will only do so if alcohol is part of the package. There's indoor football teams and the list goes on and on. 

Having alcohol sales at the Civic Center can deliver massive interest and as I have stated in the past, I support this opportunity. Some came on here saying they'd never vote for Culver again. Well, that's your choice but I couldn't let this topic go without educating you as to WHY he and his team chose to go this route. Bob and I may not agree on some things but when he, (or anyone else) is right, they're right. 

This is a positive step to bring more quality entertainment packages not only to the Civic Center but it will also allow YOU an opportunity to enjoy a drink, just as you might at a Shorebirds game. It also creates a massive relief on taxpayers as the Civic Center has spent more years in the red and not in the black. 

I can also tell you that one of the big advantages we have here at the Civic Center that most others do not offer is free parking. Promoters, (if you have alcohol sales) will side with a location where people have that much more money to spend. People will buy more tee shirts, CD's and yes even a drink if you have free parking. 

I hope this helps you to better understand why they chose to bring alcohol sales to the Civic Center. As taxpayers and voters, you chose Culver to deliver tax relief and JOBS. in this case he is delivering BOTH. 


  1. Thank you for writing this maybe it will help others understand this is not a bad thing for our community. Can't wait to see who will be coming to our area!

  2. Why is.t culver explaining this instead of you joe ?

  3. This has absolutely nothing to do with bad/good; morals/common sense; yes/no; feelings; or which end is up.

    It has to do with one simply strategy: What's Best for Business!!

    Anyone familiar with Chuck E Cheese? They sell beer. Why? Because its "what's best for business!" (Adults with screaming kids running around watching people in rodent costumes sing/dance for a minimum of 2 hours). Oh yes, the business modelers figured if they sell beer, parents could tolerate 2 hrs of ciaos. Guess what, "what's best for business" with that establishment works.

    Anyway, happy pre-TGIF!

  4. 11:19, Well, Culver doesn't own a Blog, to start with. I did speak to Bob about this matter yesterday and he gave me some really good information. This morning I spoke with Chuck Russo at the Civic Center to confirm and garnish as much information as I could to help this topic along and crush any rumors that were out there from yesterday.

    I'm pretty sure 11:19 is the EBT Blogger because as usual he can't spell and loves to spell my name joe and not use a capitol letter. You see, everyone has a fingerprint, even if they're anonymous.

    Nevertheless, the question you ask is quite stupid as well. You, nor WBOC, WMDT or the DT's ever give Bob the opportunity, (time or space) to let him tell the full story. Instead, you are always looking at angles to attack him instead.

    Finally, I have the absolute largest audience on the entire Eastern Shore. Who better to share this information in full to the public than me. Do you really think if Bob had put this information out on the County Website anyone would have actually read it?

    All I keep thinking is, that was a really stupid question.


  5. So the adult beverages has only positive results!
    I take it that down the line they won't be bring the drink up in the stands while the event is playing, like other areas.
    Took my family to two games, first and last.
    Didn't see any alcohol charges placed on "The Jersey Boy's" not long ago for bloodying up our sidewalk out front. If they had been drinking, the fist t cuffs would still be going on.
    Has anyone been to a local watering hole lately? The prices are not far from the price mentioned here, and once started price doesn't matter, just plain stupid. I am in no way challenging this post, only pointing out the rest of the story.

  6. 11:42 AM could you possibly translate this into the English language so that we could understand?

  7. 11:42am
    Stop!!! For the love of God PLEASE stop sending jibberish in. Nobody can understand you.

  8. This is long overdue. Wicomico County needs to be able to compete with the counties around us or we will just be a ride through county on the way to better venues.

    Liquor is available almost everywhere. Do you not go to grocery stores, Raven games, restaurants and wedding receptions because of alcohol? It is on the individual to live a responsible life.

  9. Thanks for the information, Joe. Legal loophole or not, it's sad that a man's wishes were not kept. He didn't have to donate the land. With that being said, it's very nice that the Civic Center will have a family section, thank you very much to them. As far as the Shorebirds games, I have seen people with 4-5 beer cups stacked up and still drinking. One being a local politician. They need to get a better handle on that. I'd like to know why the Shorebirds got rid of their family section. Inquiring minds want to know. :-)

  10. None of you are seeing the point. The land was donated for free with the exception of NO ALCOHOL and what do the people in charge do? Find a loophole as you say to go around the word that was given and promised to the owner. I could care less about having a drink at the civic center but I do care about the people in charge not respecting a guarantee given years ago just to make a dollar

  11. LOL! People often think they can control events or families from the grave by executing detailed wills, trusts or other documents. They are fools.

  12. All good reasons that makes sense and dollars toward the CC. It runs at a loss folks, and YOU pick up the difference.Welcome, Wicomico, to the 20th century. The 21st will hit here long into the future.

  13. According to the Greg Bassett rag, Jake Day is the savior of all things. What a PR tool Bassett is. JMHO

  14. People have been sneaking in their own booze here for years, after an event is over, it looks like Woodstock! There are empty beer bottles and cans, liquor bottles, sodas, and lots of tiny airplane bottles, all over the floor. It is about time they started selling and make a few bucks!

  15. For those who are concerned about the Woodcocks, I would imagine the family was trying to do what was best for Wicomico County at that time. They could never have envisioned the downward spiral and semi-ghetto this county has become. Perhaps they would look at the change in times and realize that what the county needs now is as much revenue as it can get to try and stop a complete collapse.

  16. You mean to tell me you can't sit through a 90 minute show without alcohol?? I'm sure you consume plenty before and on the way. Why does this area complain so much about alcohol and drug destruction but everything the city and county promote are alcohol related?? Is life that bad that you have to keep a constant fog in your brain to function

  17. It seems to me some people need to decide if they want economic development or not. If you are happy with the way things are going, keep up your backward ways and see what happens. How has "your way" worked out so far?


  18. Sounds like the blame is on George W. Bush.
    Trump 2016!

  19. Stay home and watch On-Demand or rent a movie , it's much cheaper , read a book , maybe the Bible , you will be a better person. Alcohol is bad .
    Here is my fingerprint .

  20. 2:13 not allowing alcohol in the civic center itself is not backward. FYI The Kennedy Center in DC doesn't allow consumption of alcohol while viewing the performances. Yes they sell alcohol and you are only allowed to consume it in the lobby. It's backwards people who think selling alcohol is the answer to your economic woes. Backwards and extremely uneducated and synonymous with someone who needs to get off the eastern shore for awhile.

  21. 3:56 are you really comparing the clientele of the Kennedy Center to that of the Civic Center? ROFL. How many times have they loaded in truck loads of dirt for a rodeo or monster truck show?

    If you're so smart, what is the answer to our economic woes? Free tuition to Wor Wic so Harris Teeter will think we are upscale enough to put a store here?

  22. To the jealous person/company/media who keeps asking why Culver didn't send out a press release educating people on this matter, I ASKED. I called and ASKED questions. I saw what the rest of the press failed to do and as I always do, I investigated, I asked questions and I got the answers.

    So to all you NOVICE new reporters and or amateur bloggers, get off your A$$ and just ask questions and you'll find getting the answers is quite easy.

    Now go away...

  23. Joe, don't give your secrets away! But on the other hand, they don't want to do the work to get the answers! That's why you're the BEST source for news!

  24. Joe, maybe the person was trying to make the point that Bob's PR is awful. Poor guy is always digging out of a hole instead of being out in front of things.

    Even when you disagree with him, you are trying to explain what is going on. You do that better than his offices does!

  25. 4:24 I've expressed many times what's wrong with Wic and many answers to it's economic woes which there is no excuse for since the ocean is so close. First of all starting getting rid of the factory farms. They don't pay any money and other employers won't consider coming here because of them. Companies that pay well are now environmentally conscience. They don't want nor do their employees want their air and water fouled by chicken crap. If they factory farms were all to suddenly disappear you would see a dramatic increase in property values because an influx of retirees with disposable incomes would migrate further east and not stop in Talbot. Companies whose products or services that don't rely on the local economy need to be lured in. I've said this over and over.
    Also just for the record I don't think Harris Teeter is an "upscale" store something I've also said here many many times. It's a grocery store no different than any others already around here. Free tuition is not the answer. I've said that over and over. It makes no sense if there are no jobs. What it means is we will be educating for free people who then will move to other areas for employment and not buying homes here and not contributing to the local economy. I think whoever is in favor of this has an IQ somewhere in the imbecile, moron, idiot level.

    1. At least the chicks are confined - quite unlike those million nasty geese choosing to gether in gaggles to walk around pooping all over every inch of the county and chasing folks who dare be in their vicinity.

  26. I'm sure some of these tour promoters have just skipped Salisbury because it's a small out of the way venue and our residents could drive 2 hrs in either direction to go to a bigger city for a concert. They don't see they need to waste a date here where there aren't huge ticket numbers.

  27. Good article, Joe.

  28. 5:39 I hope you run for County Executive!!!!! You have got all the answers!!!


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