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Thursday, June 30, 2016

What Is The Government Preparing For?

You may not be getting prepared for a major national disaster, but the government sure is.

I have been informed that in recent months numerous emergency food companies have been contacted by the government, and they have been told that their inventories could potentially be seized in the event of a significant emergency.

And as you will see below, the government recently participated in an exercise that simulated “an unprecedented global food crisis lasting as long as a decade”. In addition, NPR has just revealed details about the very secretive Strategic National Stockpile program that is storing billions of dollars worth of medical supplies in warehouses around the nation. This is a program that most Americans do not even know exists. On top of everything else, strange reports of military vehicles with UN markings have been coming in from all over the nation. So what in the world is the government up to? Why are they working so feverishly hard to get prepared?

Let’s begin our discussion with the Strategic National Stockpile. According to NPR, there are at least six of these warehouses at various locations around the country, and they are holding at least seven billion dollars worth of supplies…



  1. Andrews airforce base is on lockdown for active shootet

  2. There getting ready for the citizens revolt after they cheat Trump out of the nomination!

  3. Put the tinfoil back on the chicken

  4. The Race war that is coming.

  5. Anyone who looks should see SOMETHING is going on....and it doesn't look good for 'we, the people".
    The government (and they don't deny it) have purchased BILLIONS of rounds of ammo. BILLIONS.
    Government agencies of all kinds are being armed (!!) with automatic weapons, ammo, and defensive gear. What in the hell does the Dept of Agriculture need with 5000 AR-15's and a million rounds of high powere ammo that is banned by treaty for use in war (but it's ok for the Feds to use it, huh? Against WHO??
    Every podunk police department in the nation, even in towns that haven't had a serious crime in years, are being armed with military grade weapons and gear such as armored vehicles.
    The NSA (in total violation of their charter and mission) now record every single electronic communication done by Americans in the USA. They are not even supposed to OPERATE WITHIN THE UNITED STATES! We have the FBI for that.
    The president has issued executive orders that, in an emergency that only THEY can envision, give him COMPLETE CONTROL over travel, communications, energy supplies (where it goes and who gets it), transportation of food supplies, and believe it or not the power to force mass evacuations of entire regions. Dictatorial powers. WHAT are they thinking?
    The Patriot Act and the NDAA stripped all Americans of every protection they have under the Constitution. Which will be a great help when "we, the people start complaining of dictatorial actions by the government.
    Millions of portable caskets are stored in various locations around the USA (bought and stored by.....the U.S governemnt).
    There are other signals and red flags , too.
    Now, it is revealed (who knew this program even existed??) that the government is storing BILLIONS of dollars worth of medical supplies (and doing a good job of keeping that secret. WHY??).
    Either they know something is coming and or are planning for something.
    If you don't see that, you are being willfull and deliberately ignorant. Purposely stupid.
    That also means you are not prepared in any way and will be one of the first into one of those caskets they have waiting.
    Probably spend most of your time cheering.
    Thats not a skill that will help you later....it just helps THEM now.

  6. Marshal Law, people. Obama will not be leaving the White House. (map)

  7. I am glad at least one person understand what all of this means when you add it up... 2+2 always equals 4 and those whom say other wise is like poster above said, stupid and ignorant... I guess it will take all of that crap to be activated and then they will see, change their tune but as usual it will be to late to do anything about it...

    Also understand this, Facebook and online networks and phones will not work when shit hits the fan, you will have no way to communicate to anyone, but by word of mouth or carrier pigeons and paper and pencils... Half of you own't even know what is going on until one of those white trucks comes to get you...

    Hitler disarmed his people before the camps too... and the USA is following the Hitler play book step by step...

  8. The government under obama has been collecting and supplying all branches of government with guns and ammo , including the social security admin.. This should have opened the eyes of most citizens. I have been prepared for a couple of years . It's now just timing , if Trump wins , rioting and civil war will begin , if Hillary wins , civil war will begin and will takes years too destroy the obama attitude. BLM will be the ones responsible for the beginning of either. I say , "bring it".

  9. Order out of Chaos


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