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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Washington Schools to Teach Gender Identity Curriculum in Kindergarten

Kindergarten used to be a place for children to learn how to add, subtract, and read. Next year, Washington school children as young as five years old will instead be learning about gender fluidity and the differences between gender and sexual identity.

The newly-minted health and physical education standards, released by the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), will be implemented in schools across the state for the 2017-2018 school year.

As reported by The Daily Caller, the new standards require students to learn about gender identity and expression beginning in kindergarten.

Beginning in Kindergarten, students will be taught about the many ways to express gender. Gender expression education will include information about the manifestations of traits that are typically associated with one gender. Crossdressing is one form of gender expression.

Third graders will be introduced to the concept of gender identity. These children will be taught that they can choose their own gender.

Fourth graders will be expected to “define sexual orientation,” which refers to whether a person identifies as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual; they’ll also be taught about HIV prevention. Children in fourth grade will be told that they can choose their sexual orientation.

Fourth and fifth graders will learn about the relativity of gender roles and why such roles are social constructs that are not inherent to who we are as male or female human beings.

Seventh graders will be expected to “distinguish between biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.”

High school students will critically “evaluate how culture, media, society, and other people influence our perceptions of gender roles, sexuality, relationships, and sexual orientation.”


  1. this is truly the end.

  2. Parents Beware! The liberals have control of the education system and are now indoctrinating 5 year olds.

  3. The indoctrination in to the dumbocratic deviation is starting early. Get them to accept things that are NOT right early and they'll accept anything you put in front of them!

  4. Sorry, but gender is not an "expression". It's something you have and can be coped with. Teaching pre- pubescent children who have no experience with the effect of hormones developed during puberty is a brainwash not acceptable by any real parent.

  5. Gender identification is simple : you show me yours and I'll show you mine.

  6. This is perverted treason.

  7. Democrats have been re-educating America for years. Parents have to teach at home to balance the deviance being taught in school.

  8. Who will teach the parents? Most of them are completely confused about all of this.

  9. They can't read, write, or spell.
    BUT they do feel good about themselves.
    What special kind of perverted idiot believes that, instead of concentrating on the above mentioned skill sets, it's a MUCH better use of school time to help them distinguish which one of them can be the strangest and why it's okay to be the strangest. How to "embrace" the strangest among us.
    How "diversity" makes us stronger. And how being strange makes all of us "better".
    The BS meter has exceeded it's capacity.
    I've never hired anyone based on how well they understand the different sexual identities or their grasp of society's effect on "gender identity".
    Of course, stupid people are easy to lead. VERY stupid people are VERY easy to lead.
    Which is probably the basic idea behind the "strangest in the land" competition to the bottom.
    Keep cheering.

  10. It is truly sad that most parents can not home school their children. That is the only way a parent can teach their children Christian values and stop their children from being exposed to such as this. I wonder if you can opt out your child from this so called gender education?

  11. Ok class, choose between normal or perverted liberal attention seeker.

  12. Send your kids to public school and they will be taught what the gov't wants them to know.

  13. That's why I'm sending my kids to a private school.


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